What Is The Best Time To Kayak? | Of Day, Year & Regarding Tides

You can go kayaking in the morning, afternoon, evening, or even at night if you want to. However, your experience will vary according to the time of day. But have you ever wondered when it’s better to plan your paddling adventures?

Best Time For Kayaking

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Kayak?

The best time for kayaking is generally in the morning because the water conditions are calmer and safer than in the afternoon. For example, strong winds and thunderstorms often occur later in the day. That can make paddling more dangerous, arduous, and less fun. That’s why it’s better to kayak during the early hours.

I also prefer the morning because there are generally fewer people on the water and the temperature is often more agreeable. Kayaking soon after getting out of bed is one of the best ways to start your day too.

If you paddle in the ocean or sea, there is another element to consider. The tides are powerful and can produce significant currents. So don’t neglect them while planning when you will launch and get back at the beach.

Is It Better To Kayak At High or Low Tide?

You need to know the area and tides that occur there to go kayaking at the right time. The most popular strategy is to launch your kayak and paddle back to the beach at low or high tide because there’s no current. Another option would be to time your trip by using tide currents to your advantage.

Planning when you start and stop your paddling adventures is essential to make them as safe and fun as possible. You will have to consider your conditions, preferences, and schedule to find the perfect time. So let me help you figure out when you should kayak!

Does When You Kayak Really Matters?

The time of day will indeed influence how safe, easy, and enjoyable it is to paddle. Some people think it’s better to go kayaking in the morning (like me) when others prefer to do so in the afternoon. To find out when it’s better for you, here are the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Kayaking In The Morning | Pros & Cons

I’ve already talked about a few advantages of an early paddling adventure. First of all, the weather and temperature are usually more comfortable in the morning. It’s not too hot or too cold, and there’s generally less wind. 

But meteorological conditions will vary depending on where you are, time of year, and many other factors. That’s why the afternoon can sometimes be more appropriate for kayaking. 

Another benefit of waking up early to go paddling is the calm atmosphere and quietness. Not many people practice water sports in the morning, so you are more likely to kayak in peace.

I prefer to do this activity before noon because it’s a unique experience. There’s something special about heading out in the water first thing in the morning.

You will be alone, enjoy the sounds of nature, and do some exercise all at the same time. It almost feels therapeutic to kayak early in the day, but maybe it’s just me.

If you plan to eat somewhere during their paddling trip, it’s probably better to launch before noon. Preparing and packing a lunch to go (e.g. a sandwich with snacks) is much easier than it would be for a whole supper.

Because I’m a morning person, it’s the best time for me to kayak. It starts my day perfectly, and I prefer to paddle in such conditions.

However, there are also some downsides to kayaking in the morning. Many people don’t like nor want to wake up early. In this case, you will probably not enjoy going in the water before noon.

Apart from that, it can also be complicated to kayak in the morning. You might have a job or other things to do, so your adventure won’t be as enjoyable if you’re limited in time.


  • More Quiet & Calm.
  • Better Temperature.
  • Less Wind.


  • It Can Be Stressful If You Have Things To Do After.
  • Not Ideal If You’re Not A Morning Person.

Kayaking In The Afternoon | Pros & Cons

Although it’s not my favorite option, paddling adventures later in the day are still fun. There are also a few good reasons to kayak in the afternoon instead of in the morning.

It’s common for people to have free time on their schedule at the end of the day. That’s why practicing water sports in the afternoon is generally more realistic.

You probably have work or other things to do than kayaking before noon. For example, I like to get the most important tasks done in the morning and enjoy the rest of my day doing what I want.

There’s a serious benefit of heading out on the water once you have nothing else to do. It can help you make the most of your adventure and be fully in the present moment.

In the morning, some people will only think about what they have planned for the rest of the day. So you might not enjoy this activity as much if you’re stuck in your head the whole time.

Another advantage of kayaking in the afternoon is the possibility to look at the sunset. With good timing, you may have the chance to assist at this spectacular event from a new and unique angle.

There’s also a sunrise in the morning, but it’s generally less impressive than when the sun disappears below the horizon. If you’ve never seen a sunset in a kayak, you should try it.

I’ve already touched on the drawbacks of kayaking in the afternoon. They are practically the contrary of the pros to do it in the morning. My biggest concern is that there are generally more people, which means your paddling adventures might be less relaxing.

Concerning the weather, strong winds and thunderstorms are more likely to occur later in the day. In certain places, the temperature might be uncomfortably hot around 3 PM. So the afternoon is not always the best time to kayak.

But depending on the day, the meteorological conditions might be better at different times. It’s not a good idea to assume the weather and temperature are always more appropriate for paddling adventures in the morning.

The afternoon meteorological conditions are sometimes better for kayaking. Water can be calm, and the temperature can be agreeable at any time of day. Here’s the comment of someone that had a good experience with his late paddling trip. 

“I can’t really speak to other times, however, we went at the end of the day and it was lovely. Waters were calm and the sun set as we were pulling in our kayaks. We quite enjoyed that time.”

Retrieved from the FAQ of TripAdvisor


  • More Likely To Fit Your Schedule.
  • Allow You To Enjoy At 100%.
  • Outstanding View On Sunsets.


  • Less Relaxing.
  • Higher Risk Of Bad Weather. (Wind, Thunderstorms, Etc.)
  • Temperature Is More Likely To Be An Issue.

So, What Is The Best Time Of Day To Kayak?

The perfect time to kayak will vary from one person to another. I prefer to do so in the morning, but not everyone has that luxury. Many paddlers would like better to practice this sport in the afternoon for the reasons mentioned above.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your preferences and schedule. You need to consider what’s possible for your situation and weigh the pros and cons of each option. Then, it should be relatively easy to select when it’s best for you to kayak.

If you’re still unsure whether you want to do it in the morning or the afternoon, you can always try both. There’s no better way to find something than to test. With your two experiences, the choice will probably be obvious.

Kayak Time Morning

Is It Best To Kayak At High or Low Tide?

The tide range and currents will vary a lot from one place to another. Sometimes, it’s difficult to notice any change between the high and low tide. But in specific locations, it can be dangerous to kayak at certain times of the day because of that change in water levels.

If you want to figure out when it’s the best time to kayak in the ocean, you need to understand the tide. It’s the rise and fall of the water surface caused by the attraction of the sun and moon.

The tidal pattern (low to high) takes around 6 hours and occurs four times per day. When the ocean level is at its lowest or highest point, there’s almost no current. So it’s easy to paddle at that time. (Low or high tide)

The currents are the strongest at halfway between (3 hours before) low or high tide. When the surface goes down, the current pushes you in the direction of the ocean. On the other hand, there’s an upriver current when the tide is rising.

You should avoid launching your kayak at high tide in places where currents are strong. Otherwise, it can be hard to paddle against the water flow when getting back to the beach.

The ultimate solution is to use the currents to your advantage. Let’s say the high tide is at 7 AM. You can start kayaking at 10 AM to paddle with the downriver, stay on the ocean for around 3 hours, and get back when the tide is low.

If you don’t plan to be that long on the water, you can go around low or high tide. The current will be easy to paddle in any way if you stick to both edges of the tidal pattern.

It’s easier to launch and paddle back at the beach with the current or when the water is steady. You don’t want to be stuck in powerful currents while kayaking back to the coast, especially if there’s a tidal river or marsh around.

Overall, it’s essential to understand tides and time your trip according to them. In most cases, there should be no problem if you look at the forecast. Just choose the right time to make your paddling adventures as fun and safe as possible.

When Is The Best Time Of Year To Go Kayaking?

In the bigger picture, the season can also influence whether or not you should kayak. Once again, your location will have an impact on the water conditions and weather. Just in the US, there’s a significant difference between the climate in California and Michigan. 

Generally speaking, the best time to kayak is from late spring to early summer. The temperature should be ideal (not too warm nor too cold) for water sports during this period of the year. 

Other Things To Consider Before Kayaking!

Since the seasonal variations in weather are too high from one place to another, the time of year isn’t always good to rely on for your decision. There are more accurate ways to know when it’s best to kayak.


Although meteorological forecasts aren’t always accurate, it’s better than nothing. That’s why you should always look at the weather before kayaking. It will help you wear proper clothing and bring the right gear to keep you warm and comfortable.

The ideal conditions to paddle will vary according to the water temperature and kayak you use. For example, you’re more likely to get wet and cold in a whitewater river than in a lake. So the weather must be appropriate for the adventure you plan to do.

When it comes to strong wind and rain, it’s not always fun nor safe to go kayaking in such conditions. You can kayak in the rain under certain circumstances. But a sunny day is always what you want to spend the day on the water. Now here’s what I think is the perfect time to kayak.

Weather: Sunny.

Air Temperature: 60°F to 80°F. (16°C to 27°C)

Water Temperature: 70°F to 90°F. (21°C to 32°C)

Wind: No or Very Weak.

The 120 Degrees Rule: If The Air Temperature + The Water Temperature = Over 120°F → Temperature Should Be Fine. 


The place where you want to kayak is also essential to consider. Sometimes, it won’t be safe at all times of the day, year, or tidal pattern. So you have to choose the right spot before wondering when you should go there.

Your Kayaking Skills.

If you’re just getting started, heading out on the water at the safest and easiest time is even more crucial. Learning in poor conditions isn’t efficient nor enjoyable. Once you have more paddling and maneuvering skills, when you kayak is slightly less important to consider.

The Gear You Have.

With the proper equipment, you’re much less restricted by your surroundings. For example, it’s possible to kayak at any time of day or year. You only need to gear up accordingly to the conditions you will be paddling in.

A few years ago, I went kayaking in the river for Christmas with my dad and brothers. We all had a wetsuit, warm gloves, and water shoes. Since we live in Quebec, Canada, it was cold. But we did enjoy it because we were ready for such an adventure.

When Should You Not Go Kayaking?

There’s a point where you should avoid this activity. It’s not recommended to kayak when the winds are strong (over 15 knots) or during thunderstorms. With such weather, there will probably be too many waves to paddle comfortably and safely.

Just by looking at the water, you should know straight away whether you can kayak or not. If it’s not as calm as usual, you might have to consider doing something else.

But at the end of the day, it’s your decision. So do whatever you want whenever you want. Just be aware of the risks involved.

Last Thoughts About The Best Time To Kayak!

Finally, when you plan to go kayaking can influence how safe and fun it will be. So it’s essential to consider and analyze your different options to choose the perfect time for heading out on the water.

I generally enjoy paddling more during the early summer months and ideally in the morning, but everyone has different schedules and preferences. Besides that, the ideal time to go on the water can vary depending on the day, weather, season, and location where you plan to go kayaking.

Kayak In The Ocean

Thus, I hope my article has helped you understand when it’s better for you to kayak. Now it’s time to prepare for your trip and find the perfect timing to make it as enjoyable as possible. 

Paddle On & Have Fun!