Kayaking In The Rain | Everything You Should Know!

Before heading out on the water, you should always look at the weather. The temperature and meteorological conditions will highly influence your kayaking experience. A beautiful and sunny day is generally what most people are looking for. But what if it’s raining? Can you kayak in the rain?

You can safely and comfortably kayak in the rain. If I did it more than once, you should be able to do it too. Kayaking under the rain is actually a fun experience. Since you’re already in the water and should be dressed for immersion, being wet isn’t a problem. But paddling when it’s raining involves more risks.

Kayaking Rain

Is Kayaking In The Rain Safe?

Kayaking in the rain can be safe as long as there’s no thunderstorm and you have the right gear. The rain isn’t very dangerous unless it comes with lightning or you’re not well-equipped. So it’s generally safe to kayak when it’s raining, but it comes with additional risks.

Risks Of Kayaking In The Rain

Thunderstorm (Lightning & Strong Winds)

Rain often comes with thunderstorms. So that could make kayaking very dangerous for two reasons: lightning and strong winds. But if it’s only raining, you should be fine. That’s why it’s essential to consider the weather.

You should avoid kayaking if there’s any chance of lighting. Since you will be the highest point of contact on the water, it’s very likely to hit you. Thus, you should not kayak in the rain if there’s thunder and lightning.

Another potential danger is the strong winds that might come with rain during thunderstorms. Even without lighting, the wind conditions might make kayaking riskier. So you should ideally avoid going on the water when it’s rainy and windy.


When it’s raining, the temperature is usually quite cold, and the sun won’t be there to warm you up. The fact that you will be wet all the time will also make you even colder. That’s why the risk of hypothermia can drastically increase with rain.

Lower Visibility

Clouds, fog, and raindrops can reduce your visibility on the water. So you might not see the obstacles or potential dangers as far and well as if it was a clear blue sky. It’s probably not an issue if you’re kayaking on a small lake you already know.

But in a river and rapids, it can be dangerous. I remember one time I went whitewater kayaking with my friend when there was a big thunderstorm, and it was pouring rain. To be honest, it was getting late too, but I couldn’t see very far ahead, which was really scary and risky. So I wouldn’t recommend it.


During and after heavy rain, the level of water can quickly increase. It’s mostly a problem for whitewater kayakers, but you should still be aware of it. A sudden high volume of water may cause flooding and make rapids much more dangerous than they usually are.

So you should wait at least 2 days after heavy rain to kayak in a river. Some places are more prone to flash floods, which can be very risky for paddlers. Therefore, you should know the water level of a river, how rain can affect it, and what risks it involves.

Your Kayak Might Fill Up With Water

Another thing that could happen when kayaking in the rain is that your boat gets filled up and sinks. That’s obvious, but it’s a risk to keep in mind. Some kayaks have a system to drain the water, while others accumulate it. A spray skirt might also allow you to avoid that.

So How Dangerous is Kayaking In The Rain?

Kayaking in the rain involves more risks. The rain itself isn’t very dangerous. The problem is the lightning, winds, floods, and cold that usually come with it. But if the weather isn’t that bad and you have the right gear, kayaking when it’s rainy can be remarkably safe.

Learn more about the risks of kayaking!

How To Stay Safe When Kayaking In The Rain?

There are many ways to alleviate the risks of kayaking in the rain. As always, the more prepared you are, the safer your paddling adventures will be. So here are a few precautions you can take to kayak in the rain safely.

Check The Weather & Water Level!

First, you should always look at the weather forecast. How can you prepare to kayak in certain conditions if you don’t know what they are? Check how much rain there will be, how long it will last, if there will be lightning, the temperature, wind conditions, etc.

Every detail can help you prepare for it. And make sure to check at the location you will kayak, not where you are now. So open your favorite weather forecast application or site, type your paddling destination, and closely analyze the report.

You should also look at the water level and how the rain will affect it, especially if you’re whitewater kayaking. Many apps and sites can provide that information. The water level will highly influence the currents, rapids, and risks.

Gear Up For Rainy Conditions!

Once you have checked the weather forecast, you can gear up accordingly. You should dress for immersion because there’s always a chance of getting wet and falling in the water when kayaking. But if it’s raining, you will be soaking wet all the time without a proper outfit.

What To Wear When Kayaking In The Rain?

When kayaking in the rain, you should ideally wear a waterproof jacket and pants with gaskets to stay dry. If it’s cold, you might need a wetsuit or drysuit to keep you warm. Besides that, you should also wear a spray skirt, hat/helmet, water shoes, and kayaking gloves if necessary when it’s raining.

The spray skirt will keep the water from getting and accumulating in your kayak if you have an open cockpit. A hat or helmet will protect your face and eyes from the rain. Kayaking shoes and gloves will keep your feet and hands warm. 

Another good idea would be to bring a dry bag to keep your stuff and gear from getting wet. So here are some pieces of equipment you should consider getting to kayak safely in the rain:

Know The Environment!

With more risks involved, lower visibility, and a higher chance of getting lost when kayaking in the rain, you should go somewhere you’re familiar with. Otherwise, going on the water in those conditions might be too dangerous. So stick to paddling spots you know when it’s raining for your safety.

Go Kayaking In The Rain With Someone!

Kayaking alone is always more dangerous, especially in bad weather. So you should find a paddling partner to help you in case something goes wrong. Having someone to count on when you kayak in the rain will make your adventure safer and more enjoyable.

Tell People Where You Go!

If anything happens, someone should be aware of where you are. So telling one or two people the place you go kayaking in the rain is not a bad idea. That way, they will know where to go and search in case there’s a problem or you don’t come back. And your loved ones will probably also feel better having that information. At least my mom will.

How Is It Like To Kayak In The Rain?

In my experience, kayaking in the rain can be fun and safe if you’re well-prepared. There’s not much difference except that you’re always wet. But it doesn’t matter because you’re already in the water. When it’s really hot outside, some rain can be refreshing when kayaking. Overall, paddling under the rain is an interesting experience, so you should try it!

Is It OK To Kayak After Rain?

It’s OK to kayak after it has been raining if the water level is safe. But some rivers can rise because of the rain and become very dangerous. So it’s essential to monitor the water level closely and make sure it’s safe. You should ideally not kayak in a river for a couple of days after heavy rain.

What Weather Conditions Are Best For Kayaking?

The best weather conditions for kayaking are usually a comfortable air temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21°C) with sun and little to no wind. A partly cloudy sky can also be agreeable to avoid being too hot and getting sunburns. The water should also be warm in case your kayak flips over.

Last Thoughts About Kayaking In The Rain!

Finally, you can kayak in the rain if there’s no lightning and you have the right equipment. Otherwise, it might be too dangerous. Rain can lead to hypothermia, reduce visibility, make rivers flood, and fill your boat with water. But it shouldn’t keep you from kayaking.

Rain Lake

Paddling in the rain can be a fun and interesting experience. You just need to be ready for it. With proper gear and preparation, everybody should be able to kayak when it’s raining without any problem as long as the conditions are safe.

Let’s Paddle Under The Rain!