Can You Use A Whitewater Kayak In The Ocean?

If you have a whitewater kayak and love the ocean just like I do, you probably wonder if you can use it in it. The idea of surfing waves with my playboat seems amazingly fun. But is it even possible? Let’s figure it out together!

You can use a whitewater kayak in the ocean if the water conditions are appropriate and you have the right equipment. But a boat intended for the river and rapids won’t do as well in another environment. Before using a whitewater kayak in the ocean, make sure the spot and boat you have are suitable for it.

Whitewater Kayak Ocean

You might also consider investing in additional gear, such as float bags to keep your kayak afloat if you flip over and can’t roll. Another thing to keep in mind is not to go too far from the coast because if you capsize and can’t recover in open water, you will have to swim back to shore and relaunch from there.

So let’s understand why whitewater kayaks aren’t well-suited for the ocean and figure out when it’s OK to use them in such an environment.

What Are The Differences Between Whitewater & Sea Kayaks?

A whitewater kayak is designed for the river and rapids, while a sea kayak is made for the ocean. Since they are intended for completely different water conditions, their construction won’t be the same. Thus, let’s look at their differences to understand what makes a good boat for the ocean.

Whitewater Kayaks Are Smaller & Wider!

Whitewater kayaks are generally relatively small and wide for optimal control and stability in moving water. So they are slow but easy to maneuver in rapids to avoid obstacles. On the other hand, sea kayaks are narrower and longer to track well, go fast, and handle waves easily.

Whitewater VS Ocean Kayak Hull

The hull is the bottom shape of the kayak. Whitewater boats typically have a rounded or flat hull, which allows them to keep their balance and surf in rapids. Most sea kayaks have a v-shaped or sometimes rounded bottom for optimal tracking, breaking through waves, and stability in rough water.

Whitewater & Sea Kayaks Have Different Features!

Whitewater kayaks have foot and thigh braces as well as adjustable backbands to keep you tight and increase your control over the boat. Sea kayaks can also have foot braces and backband adjustments.

But the most important features are the sealed hatches to keep the boat afloat in case of capsize and bungee cords to help you self-rescue in open water. Rudders and skegs will also allow the sea kayak to go even straighter or control the direction of the boat.

Should You Use A Whitewater Kayak In The Ocean?

Although a whitewater kayak isn’t designed for the ocean, you can still use one in it. But it doesn’t mean you should. Many factors will influence whether or not it’s OK to use your whitewater boat in the ocean.

Is Your Whitewater Kayak Appropriate For The Ocean?

There are different types of whitewater kayaks, and some are more appropriate than others for the ocean. Playboats are the worst for this environment because they are very slow and don’t track well at all. So you shouldn’t use a freestyle kayak in the ocean because you will probably struggle to pass the surf zone.

On the other hand, some river-runners, creekers, and longboats will perform relatively well in the ocean. Generally longer, faster, and easier to keep in a straight line than playboats, they will be better for breaking through waves and passing the surf zone.

However, freestyle kayaks will be more fun when riding waves on the ocean. It will just be harder to get there. So practically any whitewater boat can be used on the ocean, but some will be better for different parts of it.

Kayaks Designed For Whitewater & The Ocean!

Some kayaks claim they can do well in the river and the ocean. They are called crossovers. These boats typically have a whitewater design with hatches, skegs, and bungee cords to be more appropriate for open water.

But if you mostly plan to paddle in the ocean, a sea or touring kayak is much better. So just make sure you have the right boat for the environment you will go in or at least know how it will perform there. Then, whether you should use your whitewater kayak in the ocean will also depend on the water conditions. 

Are The Ocean Conditions Safe For Whitewater Kayaks?

With potentially strong waves, currents, and winds, the ocean conditions are generally not ideal for whitewater kayaks. Rivers and rapids do have waves and currents, but they go downstream. Facing ocean waves or currents in a whitewater kayak can be very difficult and even dangerous.

So the calmer the water, the better. No wave, current, and wind would be the safest conditions to use your whitewater kayak in the ocean. But it’s very unlikely to happen, and if you want to surf, you will need some waves.

Just make sure that you will be able to manage the water conditions with the boat you have. A sea kayak can handle waves, currents, and winds relatively well. But with a whitewater boat, anything too big or strong can be dangerous.

Consider Your Paddling Skills & Ocean Experience!

Another thing you have to keep in mind is your ability to control a whitewater kayak. If you’re just a beginner, it might be very difficult for you to paddle against the waves and keep the boat straight. So using it in the ocean is probably not a good idea.

On the other hand, more advanced river paddlers will have more skills and experience. So it should be easier for them to adapt. But don’t forget that the ocean is a completely different environment, and you need to understand it before kayaking in it.

Tips For Using A Whitewater Kayak In The Ocean!

Now I’m sure many of you will try to use a whitewater kayak in the ocean, even though it’s not recommended. I did it too, and I ended up paddling very hard without ever getting out of the surf zone. But here are some things you should know before heading out on the water.

Master Rolling!

If you use a whitewater kayak in the ocean, you can probably not self-rescue in open water. So you must have a solid roll to recover from a capsize without having to swim back to the beach. Otherwise, paddling in the ocean with that type of kayak won’t be safe nor fun.

Stay Near The Coast!

Even if you’re an excellent kayaker and know how to roll, you never know what can happen on the water. So you should always stay relatively close to the shore in case you capsize. Otherwise, it might be very difficult and long or even impossible to get back to land, especially with the currents and winds.

Invest In Float Bags!

Another good idea would be to buy float bags. Most whitewater kayaks will fill up with water and sink if they are upside down in the ocean. That can make your swim and recovery even more complicated. So float bags will keep the boat afloat and help you if you capsize.

Consider The Winds!

As whitewater kayakers, we don’t really care about the wind. Most rivers are covered by trees or rocks, and even if there’s wind, it usually doesn’t bother us. But in the ocean, the winds can change quickly and be very dangerous, especially with a whitewater boat.

Know The Ocean Dangers!

The risks of whitewater kayaking differ from those you might encounter on the ocean. So you must know them before paddling there, especially if you don’t have the right boat for that environment. Winds, temperature, sharks, currents, and ships are some dangers you should be aware of.

Learn more about kayaking risks!

Whitewater Kayaking In The Ocean Video!

Here’s a good video that explains and proves you can use a whitewater kayak in the ocean!

Last Thoughts About Using A Whitewater Kayak In The Ocean!

Finally, you can use a whitewater kayak in the ocean if you boat and the conditions are appropriate. You should also make sure you have the right skills, knowledge, and gear before heading out on the water. And you must always stay close to shore in case you capsize.

The best way to know if you can do it is to try it out. Now that you have all the information necessary to kayak on the ocean with your whitewater boat, it’s time to test it. You will quickly understand whether it’s possible or not.

Whitewater Kayak Fun

But please don’t put yourself in danger. If the waves are too big, currents or winds too strong, your boat isn’t appropriate for the water conditions, and you don’t have enough experience, you shouldn’t go on the ocean. Otherwise, you might have a blast in the surf zone or while exploring that open water.

Let’s Use That Whitewater Kayak In The Ocean!