Are Inflatable Boats Appropriate, Safe & Good For Fishing?

Inflatable boats might not be the first thing that comes into your mind when you plan to go fishing. With the hooks and sharp objects that an angler need to use, most people would rather not take any chance and opt for a hardshell boat.

Until now, I had never seriously considered buying an inflatable boat specifically for fishing. It just didn’t make any sense to me. But I recently wondered if it would be possible to enjoy this activity in such a boat.

While technically speaking, you can definitely do it, an inflatable might not be safe and good to use for fishing. But after some research, I realized it may actually be an excellent option for some anglers. Thus, here’s everything you should know before fishing from an inflatable boat.

Are Inflatable Boats Good For Fishing?

Some models of inflatable boats are designed to be suitable for fishing. They can be made from puncture-resistant materials, feature rod holders, and have a mount for a trolling motor. Inflatable boats are also less expensive, easier to carry and make less noise. So they can be great for fishing.

Fishing Inflatable Boat

On the other hand, an inflatable raft isn’t the best option for every angler. A lot of people that are into fishing will still prefer hardshell boats. Both designs have benefits and drawbacks, so let me help you figure out what’s the right watercraft for your needs!

Can You Fish In An Inflatable Boat?

Fishing in an inflatable boat can be done rather comfortably if the model you have is appropriate for this purpose. As long as the vessel is relatively stable and provides enough space for the equipment, you should be able to fish in it. Inflatable boats can even have convenient features to make fishing more enjoyable.

Are Inflatable Boats Safe For Fishing?

Inflatable boats are much stronger than most people think. Even with hooks and sharp accessories onboard, most of them offer puncture resistance. So if you’re careful and take some precautions, an inflatable boat is safe for fishing

Pros & Cons Of Using An Inflatable Boat For Fishing!

As I already told you, there are many advantages to fishing in an inflatable raft. However, it’s also essential to be aware of the downsides to understand whether or not it’s the right option for you. Thus, let’s see what’s good and bad about inflatable boats.


Inflatable Boats Are Less Expensive!

The main advantage of inflatable boats is their affordable price. When I was looking for a vessel to fish in, I started by checking the hardshell models available. Even on the low end, there was practically nothing under $10,000.

I love boating and fishing, but it’s too expensive for me, and I’m probably not the only one. That’s where inflatable boats come into play. You can find one in which you will be able to fish comfortably for less than $1,000.

Besides the lower price, you will have much fewer expenses. With an inflatable boat, there’s no need to pay for a trailer, a car to haul it, a spot at the marina, etc. So it’s a great way to enjoy fishing and boating without breaking the bank.

Don’t Worry About Storage & Transportation!

If you have the possibility to deflate your fishing boat as soon as you’re out of the water, it will be less complicated to carry and store it. For transportation, you will only need a little bit of space in your car or the trunk. 

So it’s much more convenient than a hardshell boat. With a foldable design, storage and transportation won’t be an issue. It’s a huge advantage to keep things simple and spend more time fishing on the water.

More Flexibility For Your Fishing Trips!

Another major benefit of choosing an inflatable boat is the freedom you will have. Since it’s easy to carry and can be launched from pretty much anywhere, it allows you to explore fishing spots other anglers won’t be able to access.

For example, you could go in a river, or somewhere there’s no boat ramp with your inflatable raft. Even if there’s no road near where you want to go fishing, you can always carry it by hand. Therefore, it’s great for adventurous anglers like me.

If you want more freedom and unique fishing experiences, an inflatable boat might be the right option for you. A standard vessel is also quite complicated to get in and out of the water, so it might not be ideal for anglers that plan to fish at different locations.

Inflatable Boats Are Easier To Drive!

Contrary to standard hardshell boats, inflatable models are very simple to maneuver. Most states in the US also exempt them from the boating registration rules, so you generally don’t need any license or authorization to use one.

Inflatable boats can either be rowed or have a small trolling motor to move forward. With a more powerful motorized vessel, you will need to learn a few navigation skills. Thus, an inflatable raft requires less experience and lets you enjoy fishing more.

Quiet Enough To Not Scare The Fish!

Another important advantage of an inflatable boat is the sounds it doesn’t make. Without the noisy metal construction and loud motor, you have fewer chances to scare fish. Thus, a quiet vessel might increase your likelihood of catching something.

With an inflatable raft, you will be able to move on the water without disrupting the fish. It’s also not very agreeable and relaxing to hear the engine’s irritating sounds every time you want to change location. 

Reducing the noise will help you enjoy nature more too. There’s nothing more satisfying than hearing the birds while heading out to your favorite fishing spot. So choosing an inflatable boat might improve your overall experience on the water.

Customize Your Inflatable Boat!

If you have a little bit of creativity and love DIY projects, it’s possible to modify and improve an inflatable boat for your needs. For example, you could put a plywood board on the floor to increase stability and allow you to stand up safely while fishing.

Another possibility would be to add a comfortable seat or cup holders. Therefore, you can adapt the inflatable raft to make your fishing adventures as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. With the right tools and some construction skills, it shouldn’t be too complicated to do.


Lack Of Performance!

On the other hand, the major issue with an inflatable fishing boat is how it performs compared to standard models. Without a powerful motor, you won’t be able to go as fast and far as you want. Thus, it’s not suitable to navigate over long distances.

A hardshell boat is also generally more stable and can handle rough waters. Most inflatable rafts won’t allow you to stand up unless you add a hard floor. They are also not well-suited to handle waves or currents.

Less Convenient For Fishing.

Besides the boating experience, your fishing can be affected too. Inflatable boats generally don’t have as many features as regular ones. It might not have comfortable seats designed for this activity, multiple rod holders, room for storage, a live bait tank, an anchoring system, etc.

Another problem with an inflatable raft is the lack of space. For fishing, you will need to store gear and have enough freedom of movement to cast your line. If you’re alone you should be alright, but a small inflatable boat might not be spacious enough for many anglers.

Hardshell Boats Are More Durable!

Even though a lot of inflatable rafts are more sturdy than most people think, they won’t be as durable as standard boats. If you’re looking for something that will last for the rest of your life, a hardshell construction is the way to go.

With the hooks and other fishing accessories you will have onboard, an inflatable boat might get punctured. Although the material is generally strong enough to resist sharp objects, accidents can always happen. So you will have to be very careful in this type of vessel.

Inflatable boats can last anywhere between 2 and 10 years, depending on the model, manufacturer, and use. On the other hand, other boats generally last from 10 to 20 years. Therefore, they are much more durable and will prevent any puncture issues.

Be Ready To Setup Your Inflatable Raft!

My last concern about boats you have to fill in with air is the preparation they require before you can use them. Inflating the raft every time you want to go fishing might not be advantageous for you, especially if you rarely change location.

In this case, a hardshell boat you can attach to a dock and head out on the water whenever you’re ready might be more appropriate. So keep in mind you will have to spend quite a bit of time setting up your inflatable raft before every fishing adventure.

So, Is An Inflatable Boat Good For You To Fish?

It will mainly depend on where you plan to go, with who, and what type of angler you are. The environment in which you want to fish has a huge impact on the boat you should choose. Inflatable rafts are only suitable for calm water and short-distance trips.

So if you want to go fishing somewhere far away from land or in the ocean, a hardshell boat designed for this purpose would be more appropriate for you. On the other hand, an inflatable model will allow you to explore unique spots.

You should also consider how many people you plan to take fishing at once. With standard boats, you can generally fit around 4 anglers. For inflatable rafts, I wouldn’t recommend going on the water with more than one person or two onboard. But it will also depend on the size of the boat.

The length of your trips will also influence what type of boat you should get. A standard one is more appropriate for longer fishing adventures because it can offer shelter and more room for storage.

Finally, you also have to consider your preferences. An inflatable boat provides more freedom, simplicity, and you won’t need to break the bank to get one. But it won’t be as performant, comfortable, and durable as a regular model.

So beginners wanting to get into fishing might prefer an inflatable raft because it’s more affordable and convenient once out of the water. Then, more serious anglers should probably invest in a hardshell boat for an optimal fishing experience.

What Are The Best Inflatable Boats For Fishing?

Now that you know this type of vessel can be appropriate for fishing, it’s time to look at the options available. There are many of them, but they aren’t all designed and suitable for anglers. So here are some of the best inflatable boats in which you can fish comfortably!

Last Thoughts About Inflatable Boats For Fishing!

Finally, there are many things you should know before fishing in an inflatable boat. It can be appropriate and even good for this activity, but it’s not the best option for every angler. Sometimes choosing a vessel with a hardshell hull is more appropriate.

What’s good about inflatable boats is their portability and ease of use. They offer you the freedom to change location often and launch from almost anywhere. So you can explore and find new fishing spots regular boats can’t access.

On the other hand, a hardshell construction offers better performance, lasts longer, and generally comes with more features. So most standard boats will be more comfortable and convenient for fishing, but they are very expensive too.

That’s why an inflatable raft might be an excellent alternative for beginners or anglers that like to keep things simple. Whatever type of vessel you choose, I’m sure you will have a lot of fun on the water. Now it’s time to invest in the right boat for your needs and plan your next fishing adventure!

See You On The Water!